Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Which One Do You Like?...Results Are In

Yep...which one would you like to hang in your office, family room, garage, or man cave?

Some of you may know my wife, Monique, is an artist with her own blog. There I said it, 'a shameless plug'. She recently participated in a new online painting challenge, where the moderator posts a photo of something and artists are invited to send in their renditions of that photo to compare with each other. Kinda' like no one really sees the same thing, and when it comes to art they probably really shouldn't.

This week they painted a Chrysler Imperial.

Here is your chance to speak out and vote for the painting below you like best. You can vote on the sidebar at the top of the blog. Let's see who gets the most votes!

Original Image.

Painting A. "Cool in the Shade"

Painting B. "Imperial Standoff"

Painting C. "Abstract Imperialism"

Painting D. "Chillin' "

Painting E. "Lead-Slead"

Painting F. "Old Florida"

Here are the votes: A. 36%, E. 26%, D. 16%, B. 10%, C. 3%, and F. 2%...Thanks to all that voted.

Comment here.

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