Saturday, December 29, 2018

Mark Another One Off...

As the year comes to a close, I just want to thank all of you for sharing my ride.

Here's a list of shows that I'm already registered for this coming year. I'm sure some more will be added, but these should keep me off the street and out of trouble. Needless to say, I have some very cool new images that will be coming your way.

First off is the two day show held in Little Italy, San Diego, called "Art Walk." This is one of the largest art shows west of the Mississippi. April 27-28, 2019.

Next up is a two month show in Laguna Beach, called "The Laguna Art A Fair." This is one of the "Big Three" art shows during the summer months on the west coast. June 28-September 1, 2019.

Stuck in the middle of the Laguna show is Monterey during car week, called "Automobilia Monterey." This show has been expanded to three days starting on Monday. August 12-14, 2019.

Also, on a side note, I'll be passing on the Barrett-Jackson show this year. Last year it was a nine day show from 7:00am-10:00pm. Long days! I'm taking a year off from that.

As you can see, it's going to be a good year! And starting it off,  here is your calendar for January. Print it out and stick it up somewhere. Please feel free to forward this post to your friends.

Stay safe on New Years and have a great one!


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